Sunday 18 April 2010

Olympus Evolt E520 10MP Digital SLR

Olympus Evolt E520 10MP Digital SLR Camera 
with Image Stabilization 
w/ 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 Zuiko Lens

Though I have E510. I actually tried to hardened the E520 as well and chosen E510 for the 2 kit lens contract and the beyond skin E520 has over E510 which I rarely worry about. I thought to add my E510 analysis under this to give the readers a better idea about how the Olympus E510/E520 wins over the Canons XSi and Nikon D80 we veteran. Hope the helps.

Myself and a Canon lover Friend and a Nikon lover Cousin were hunting for DSLRs. We had Film SLRs and few Point ; Shoot Digis. We don't want to consume $1500+ for the DSLR and was waiting at the penalty to come down. When it reached $1000 celebrate, we happening hunting for it and tried few DSLR models in stores by haulage our own glint memories and took few trial shots at the same lighting, crucial extent, ISO, f-Stop and Shutter and pointed down to most people(s) three choices - Olympus E510, Canon XSi and Nikon D80. I went with E-510 right on the position after looking at the metaphors on the digital PC watch in just 4 weekend hunting. The other two contemplated a while and my colleague went with Canon XSi and my cousin chose D80 as he hunted to use his old Nikon lenses and gears.

On a minute dusk we got our stuffs planned online. As rapidly we returned from work, we were excited to experiment our choices.

Right out of the box outcome: (No change)

E-510 - Great Outdoor fallout with very good artless shade processing well exposed. Indoor shots were good artless flush tones with a bit dull and underexposed.

XSi - Great Outdoor and Indoor fallout with very little pink dyed incline processing with a good exposure.

D80 - Great Outdoor outcome with little downcast decorated shade processing. Indoor fallout with very little cobalt tinted flush processing with a good exposure.

You can see the pink and cerulean tone palpable on the skin tone and on the pallid heart subjects. We actually compared the imagery captured by these three with what we saw with bare eyes. We all pragmatic this very little tone changes when tried at stores and granted on the myth that "Every variety has it's own way and nothing is wonderful." Nevertheless still it's too early to choose which one is best.

We tried it every sunset as rapidly we come back and with little tuning as optional by the reviewers and professionals. In just 3 time - I made everybody to think that - I WON. Still those guys sought to give a try because sometimes the fallout from Canon XSi and Nikon D80 will have the same incline as E510 in long shots and when occasionally (say like one in 100 shots) E510 underexposes the skin tones will look greyish. We almost go as a group for all the functions/festivals and pervade with flashes everywhere :)

After 3 months of coutinuous use at the same places, here is our findings:

Speed: XSi is better than E510 and D80. But thats for just 6-7 everyday shots. After that, the XSi will pop up with "BUSY" icon. It is renowned and you can see the complaints in Amazon reviews. The other to will be steady through out the, the gathering. No BUSY nothing.

Color Tone: E510 is more sincere across the lighting conditions. Indoor shots want to have exposure compensation set to both +0.3 or +0.7

Indoor Photos: E510 is a bit dull and underexposed right out of the box but after a little tweaking it just blows the other two out of the glass with very real color tones and quick imagery. It actually chooses the right ISO essential where, as the Canon XSi forever chooses ISO 400 when with burst I don't know why it is set like that.

Dynamic Range: Though the pro reviewers say, D80 is more dynamic we sanctuary't came across a state to attest it. Under most frequent outside shooting, we all three got almost matching resluts and we liked the E510 processing much better than the other two.

ISO: upto ISO 400, E510 blare released. It get's, an affront clatter nearly in at ISO 800 and at ISO 1600 clamor is apparent. Canon XSi blare gratis cultivate ISO 1600. Nikon D80 is sound unbound cultivate ISO 800 and at ISO 1600 it introduces a little noise. It is worth to be renowned that we asylum't seen a situation that we poverty to use more than ISO 400 under routine covered/outside usual abuser wants. We actually strained the camera to use ISO 800 and ISO 1600 just to see the results where the camera picked ISO 400 by it's own when you abscond it to the camera choise in ISO. This is actually the shadows night shot on the tributary group pointing the camera at the lighted buildings on the other periphery of the stream and the situation truly shadows.

Auto Focus: E-510 mane on for quick focus almost 99% of the time but hunts for focus at low light with too much glint strobes for 4-5 seconds drving you nuts. XSi is zippy but occasionally the focus is not correctly locked. When you aspect on the camera strut it looks fine but when setback up in the observe, it's unfocused. Nikon D80 had the most mis focus. You can see these misfocus issues at both Amazon reviews and DPreview.

Image Stabilization: E510 wins hands down. I took tack sour movies using 70-300 lens zoomed all the way at 300mm with secure available down cultivate 1/30. XSi's lens based stabilization is not that actual when we worn it with 50-200mm lens zoomed to 200mm. It was valuable till 1/40. Nikon we haven't tried it as we don't have BEEN lens. Not to reference the immense assess my alone rewarded for the Canon 50-200 IS lens while I paid just $240 for the 70-300 lens as I had an efficient IS built into my E510 body.

Fit and Feel: E510 wins again with more robust create attribute. Nikon D80 is also built good but a bit superior. XSi looks kind of plasticky and has an unco grip. E510 just lays in your hand so comfortable and is a joy to use.
Value for Money:

I paid $560 for the 2 kit lens. Selling my 40-150mm for $110 and bought the 70-300 for $240 making my kit to detriment me $690. FL-36 jiffy costed me $150, totalled to $840.

XSi costed my ally $869 with 18-55mm (Now it is around $500-$600), 70-300mm IS lens for $510. With no blaze his kit is now $1379.

Nikon D80 costed my cousin $910 with 18-135mm with no IS !!! He can't just use his camera hand seized as I am using it with my long zoom 300mm or as my associate using his XSi with his 200mm or in low light.

Now...You decide which one gives you more money for dough...XSi with 70-300mm sedan focus is faster than the E510 with 70-300 mm at the very long end of the zoom. XSi with 300mm zoomed couldn't get tangy results all the time, less than 250mm is ideal for hand seized. E510 has efficient IS and plant all the way till 300mm handheld but had focus seek when worn in a minor shadow zone.

We also asked the remnants of the people at home and our contacts to see the movies and select which one looks better lacking potent them which one came from what camera. The end outcome is 80% of the images picked by the, them who don't even know which camera bent it, picked E510's cinema.

We all three agreed that E510 is the best all around DSLR in it's category and we just pay the hyped rate for the Canon and Nikon just for the stamp which produces vision attribute that equate to poorer than the low priced, light authority E510. Look no spread, go for this little gem and you will be more pleased than the Canon and Nikon users.

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